

  • Datum: Dienstag, 23. Juli 2024 um 20:00 Uhr
  • Location:  
  • Annemarie-Renger-Weg 5  46047 Oberhausen

Hochgeladen von: eventim

Formed in the mist of the Orange County punk explosion the La Habra, CA-based punk inspired rock outfit zebrahead is gearing up to once again bring the distinctive fun-filled sound to the masses with the upcoming worldwide release of Call Your Friends, produced by Cameron Webb (Pennywise, Megadeth, Motorhead) with a Japanese release on August 7th on Sony Music, in Germany, Austria and Switzerland on August 16th on Granted Records, all other European markets on August 13th on Rude Records, in Australia on August 16th on 3WiseSony Music and in the USA on August 16th via Niji Entertainment Group, the album will be available at both retail and digital outlets.

We were really lucky to work with Cameron Webb again on Call Your Friends. He has really become part of the zebrahead family explains bassist Ben Osmundson. We had a great experience working with Cameron Webb, he supplied us with a stocked fridge and drove us to lunch adds singerguitarist Matty Lewis

Call Your Friends is the bands tenth studio album since their incarnation and together they have shared highs and lows, sold over 2 million albums to date, survived label changes, garnered a Grammy nomination with Motorhead for best metal performance and toured the globe nonstop.

I think the zhead fans will be stoked on the new album, it contains songs that not only have our trademark pop-punk feel but also heavier songs that will be great to play at live shows and should really get the crowd going --- say vocalistrapper Ali Tabatabaee

zebrahead is vocalistrapper Ali Tabatabaee, vocalistguitarist Matty Lewis, bassist Ben Osmundson, drummer Ed Udhus and the band officially welcomes guitarist Dan Palmer to the zebrahead family.

It all started with the release of the EP Yellow on the indie label Dr. Dream in May 1998, the buzz began and zebrahead signed to major label Columbia to release their full-length debut, Waste of Mind, which appeared later that same year. Playmate of the Year was issued in mid-2000 to rave reviews, the album's infectious title track received over 4000 spins on Modern Rock and Rock radio, garnering airplay on some of the planets biggest alternative stations. Stupid Fat Americans EP followed only in Japan the next year. Then came the 2003 release of zebrahead's critically acclaimed MFZB. MFZB had the highest testing alternative song for months running with Rescue Me. MFZB also went gold in Japan! The band spent the summer of 2006 on the Vans Warped Tour as Broadcast to the World was released overseas that July through SPVSony. The album went gold in Japan in just a month's time, and the guys spent fall on dates throughout Europe. In 2008 the band released Phoenix with a warning from Absolute Punk listen with caution as your face may melt right off of your head, in 2009 the band released Panty Raid followed by their 2011 release Get Nice and nonstop touring ensued throughout.

Zebrahead bei popula: Schon bald geht es los: In 44 Tagen beginnt das Event-Highlight Zebrahead aus der Kategorie Konzerte & Nachtleben. Heute wurde Zebrahead so oft aufgerufen, dass die Veranstaltung somit diese Woche auf keinem Platz der Top100 der beliebtesten Veranstaltungen in Oberhausen. Mach mit und steigere die Beliebtheit, indem du die Veranstaltung auf Facebook teilst und eine Bewertung oder einen Kommentar hier abgibst. Schon gewusst? Mit dem Veranstaltungs-Widget lassen sich Events auch kinderleicht auf deiner Webseite oder deinem Blog anzeigen. Du benötigst noch Details zur Anfahrt für die Routenplanung? Hier wirst du fündig. Zusätzlich kannst du dir die weiteren Termine in der Location ResonanzWerk Oberhausen anschauen oder alternative Veranstaltungen aus der unmittelbaren Umgebung raussuchen. Mit 577 Terminen in Oberhausen, Kreis Oberhausen , ist Zebrahead am Dienstag nur eine Veranstaltung unter vielen, die am 23. Juli 24 stattfindet. Entscheide dich zwischen weiteren Terminen der Tour in Trier, Dresden, Lindau (Bodensee) und Leipzig. Hier kannst du dich über die Einzelheiten informieren und nachsehen, ob noch Tickets für die einzelnen Veranstaltungen vorrätig sind. Die Veranstaltung wurde auf eingetragen. Wenn du verantwortlich für dieses Event bist oder einfach ein Bild oder einen Flyer hochladen möchtest, kannst du dich melden. Du bekommst dann Bearbeitungsrechte für diesen Termin.

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    Zebrahead, Dienstag, 23. Juli 2024, ResonanzWerk Oberhausen